After a busy first three months of getting into the flow with Hitachi Consulting I’m finally ready to start blogging again. If you’ll tolerate me stuggling through my first few posts, I hope to coherently share what I’m seeing in the market this year–and what I’d like to see–as it relates to financial services technology.

My list of financial services technology trends, in no particular order, looks like:

  • Delivery Evolution: What’s happening, how is volume shifting, and how are FIs accommodating their increasingly mobile workforce?
  • Mobile Payments: What’s happening these days with the “goat rodeo” (thank you Drew Sievers) that is mobile payments?
  • Core Transformation: What factors are driving modernization and when will a non-U.S. player gain traction in the U.S.?
  • Big Data: How are FIs leveraging more computing, network, and storage power to gain insight into customer behavior?
  • Regulatory Priorities: Just how badly has recent regulation tied up limited I.T. resources and what FIs are making the best of it?
  • Revenue Replacement: How are FIs filling the revenue hole that recent regulation has created?
  • Real-time: Beyond fraud detection, how are FIs using real-time information to their advantage?
  • Infrastructure Deployment: As FIs address long-delayed infrastructure refreshes what new technologies/approaches are they using (including “the cloud”)
  • Sustainability: How are “Green IT” and other initiatives improving service and the bottom line in addition to helping the environment?
  • Social Media: Where are the social media success stories in FIs?

In addition to the trends above I want to continue to discuss IT governance-related topics–there’s still a lot of bad process around prioritization and justification of initiatives. Yes, I’ll “talking my book” as my employer provides services in all of these areas. That said, if I didn’t have a passion for what’s happening in the industry I wouldn’t be in it in the first place. I see this blog as a way for me to share my perspective on these topics and learn from the community of readers. I look forward to your feedback.