It’s been a great first half of the year but the downside of being busy is that I haven’t blogged much. I’ve caught my breath and am posting again. So, if you’re in the mood for some recent banking posts from me then head over to the Crescent Consulting Group website.
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Taking Video Delivery to its Logical Conclusion
One of the more interesting pieces of news this week was the NCR acquisition of uGenius. I had the privilege of seeing this technology a few years back in some work with the great folks at Coastal FCU in Raleigh.
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We've (virtually) Moved
My old webhost is changing some things up so it seemed like a good time to move to a more recent vintage of blogging platform. The template’s not what I’m going for long-term but I definitely want something with less clutter. The default Octopress template you’re looking at also resolves the issue with the guy preaching mobile-aware design actually having a website that is mobile-aware :)
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IT Infrastructure: Are You Run-the-Factory Guy or Forward Gal?
As I was perusing Bradley Leimer’s flood (in a good way) of links this morning, I noticed a recent piece on CIO Insight, 7 Ways to Prepare for the IT Infrastructure of the Future. I don’t disagree with the trends discussed in the article and below, but there’s more to the story than just ripping out legacy systems and tinkering with a few iPads so the CEO can check email.
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The Freemium Alternative to "Feeing Up"
In the last few days numerous financial institutions have backpedaled on their plans to implement fees for debit card usage. The general consensus since then is that banks will find other ways to levy fees with varying levels of transparency. In my first fee-related article last week, I questioned whether we’ve done all we can as an industry to avoid “feeing up”. I was joking about potential new sources of fee-based revenue in my Bank Stanky Raises Fees follow-up, but was serious in the latter half of the article about some alternatives presented to alleviate the need for additional fees....
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